Thursday, April 12, 2012

Shout Outs: what a double under morning!  Lisa- 10 in a row, , Lauren-25 in a row, Marcie- 10 in a row, Darla: brand new to boot camp-first double unders! Pam: 18 jump ropes in a row with no double jumps!

Today's topic: Negative Self Talk. Arrggghhhhhh. Why do we do this to ourselves?

We wake up before the rooster crows (or drive to the gym at night even if we are so tired we could cry),
We spend hard earned money to do mentally and physically challenging workouts,
We have our coach yell at us (well, I usually don't yell, but this morning I turned into The Biggest Loser's Jillian)... and then we tell ourselves demeaning things about ourselves and believe these things! That is crazy!!  Thoughts are things and the more you think about something, the stronger it grows and the more power it has.

I want you to take out that old, rusty, broken tape that has been in your brain for many years and put a new tape in. The old tape is full of storeis that aren't true. These stories no longer serve you. They negate any progress you are making in your life. And they make me mad. Especially when you share yours with me. The following ideas will help you become your own best friend rather than your own worst enemy:

1. Stop. Breathe. Be quiet for awhile. Focus on your breathing. This will bring you back to the present moment, which is all we have.
2. Smile. Go stand in front of a mirror and smile at yourself. See what happens.
3. Keep in touch with people that give you strength, can put things into perspective and won't feed your negative thinking.
4.  Help someone. There are people out there in need of some loving.
5. Sing. Out loud.
6. List 5 things you are grateful for right now.
These are simple things to do and can change your thoughts. Try them on and see which ones fit.

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