Weekly Shout-Outs: Erin, Lisa and Debbie ran 3 rounds of an 800m run without stopping. Annie ran 2.2 miles without stoping (You guys - the run from the gym up the hill past Red Rocks Community College is 2.2 miles!). Cara: 26# KB for one arm swings. Sue Ellen: 1 double under. Erin: Lost 4 lbs and 1.5" off her hips in 1 month.
Welcome Bridgette to boot camp! First pullups!
Partner warmup on Thursday. Bear crawl to each other then 20 boxer abs. Bear crawl backwards.
Partner warmup on Thursday, part 2. Inch worm to each other, 20 clapping pushups.
Mary - you are supposed to jump on TOP of the box, not put the box on TOP of your head.