Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Shout-Outs: Lindsey: first double-under! Katie: first kipping pullup! Vanessa: decreased mile time by 2 minutes - and that is the hill mile! (Other mile time shout outs to come). Jenny: eliminated sugary drinks from her diet 3 mos. ago and has lost 12 lbs.!

Welcome Lluvia, Katie, Shayne, Michelle, Leah, Maurine, Heidi, Ladean, Julie, Charlette, Maria and Kristina to boot camp!

Thoughts on "Being" vs "Doing"

I have forgotten how to just "BE".  I have turned into a "DOING" machine and am tired. No, I am exhausted. To the bone. Exhausted. Four weeks ago I had my appendix out. In the meantime, my family has purged the contents of, and moved out of, the large house we had lived in for 20 years. We moved into a small townhouse and had a garage sale. Stayed up late and got up early, ate like crap. Slept like crap. Didn't rest. At all. (Shocker, I know).  I started doing workouts again this week (Thanks Amy and Lindsey!). This morning I headed out to conquer a nearby mountain trail and it conquered me. I was forcing myself to run even though I hurt. Everywhere. Even my mind hurt. So I walked. With my head down and my monkey mind blithering on about how many things I had to do to "catch up" with the life I left unfinished "before move". I stopped and realized  was not present AT ALL to the beauty I had put myself in. A breeze was blowing, the flowers were swaying, the birds were singing, the sky had not a cloud in it and I was busy ripping myself a new one because I was out here walking rather than at home getting my to-do list done.

At my new house I think I remember seeing a giant bathtub in the even more giant master bath, and a cushy lounge chair on the deck outside my bedroom. If I got all my work done, maybe I could try them out some day. Like Saturday maybe. Then I realized, you need to try them out TODAY. The most important thing I needed to do was to rest. So I did. I walked the rest of the way back to my car, came home, took a 2 hour nap, soaked in my new tub, wrote this blog.. Tonight maybe I will go out on my new deck and sit in that cushy chair. AND I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER having spent this afternoon practicing "being" rather than "doing". And the world did not end because of it.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this post, Robyn! Somehow you crawled inside my head to write this, and for that I say THANK YOU! Finding balance is always my biggest challenge, but I think there very well may be a nap in my future... :)
