Friday, May 11, 2012

During this "week of rest" after getting my appendix out last Friday, I learned that my idea of "rest" is far different than most people's. When my doctor told me to do "nothing", he meant literally nothing.   So, Tuesday and Wednesday I went for a walk with my Mom, to lunch and then to Sunflower to pick up some essentials (that would be coconut milk creamer for my coffee). That was not "nothing". The area around my belly button was so painful I had to re-learn lamaze breathing in order to cope. I am better this morning because yesterday I laid on the couch and read my book. Which is what most people would have done; the entire week.
     Speaking of most people, the doctor and nurses who took care of me in the hospital could not get over how "in shape" I am. You are so RARE. "How do you do it? What are you doing?" Like I was a specimen in a jar.  They told me that the majority of people they see are over-weight or obese, eat like crap, are sedentary and are sick and tired. Those people are cheering because they have a real excuse to do nothing; their doctor told them to. HOW SAD that our society has come to this point. That the percentage of people who are fit are the minority rather than the majority. Studies indicate that 42% of our country will be morbidly obese by 2030. I never want to be in that majority, so I will keep the doors of Front Range Boot Camp open for those of you who want to be told that you are so .....strong, RARE forever.

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