Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Results for the "Winter Weight Off" Nutrition Challenge" !!!
1st Place : Charlotte Bassin - 68 total points. 8.4 pounds lost, 4% bodyfat and 6.75"!
2nd Place: Ruth Petrick - 50 points. 8.8 pounds lost, 3.5% bodyfat and 4.75"!
                  Lauren Morrisette - 50 points. 3 pounds lost, 3.9% bodyfat and 4.5"!
3rd Place:  Erin England - 48 points. 5.8 pounds lost, .8% bodyfat and 3"!
4th Place:  Lisa Folks - 47 points. 8.2 pounds lost, 2.3% bodyfat and 6.25"!
                  Jess Nichols - 47 points. 4.2 pounds, 2.8% bodyfat, 3.25"!
                  Katelyn Cowan - 47 points. 6.4 pounds lost, 1.9% bodyfat, 2.5"!
5th Place: Nicole Piasecki - 46 points. 9.4 pounds, 3.2% bodyfat and 5.75"!
                 Marcie Haeg - 46 points. 6 pounds, 1.1% bodyfat, 4.5"!
Honorable Mentions:
                  Vanessa Gonzales - 3.6 pounds, 1.3% bodyfat, 7.25"
                  Wendy Folger - 4.6#, 2.7% bodyfat, 5.5"
                   Shannon Perea - 7.6 pounds, 2.5% bodyfat
                   Erica Sandoval - 5.6 pounfds, 2% bodyfat, 4"
                   Brenda Cody - 8 pounds, 1.5% bodyfat, 3.5"
                   Caren Leaf - 1 pound, .6% bodyfat, 1.5"
                   Katie Miller - 2.2 pounds, 2.3% bodyfat, 8"
                   Annie Gorenstein - 2.8 pounds, 5% bodyfat and 3.75"
                   Paula Hendrickson - 9.4 pounds, 4".
                   Jeribeth Stevens - 3.4 pounds, .5% bodyfat and 4.5"

Congratulations to all of you !!!!  There were 38 women who started the Challenge and 19 who completed it. In just 28 days, all of the women who completed the challenge saw SIGNIFICANT results in terms of weight, bodyfat and inches lost as well as strength gains (determined by the increased number of pullups, pushups and situps completed in one minute). Points were also awarded for completing and turning in daily food journals and for workouts completed. Note: EVERY POSSIBLE POINT COUNTED FOR DETERMINING THE OVERALL WINNERS, not just for pounds, bodyfat and inches. Every completed daily food journal, every pullup, pushup and situp, every workout. These women gave everything they had for 28 days. And look what they got in return.........

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