Thursday, January 19, 2012

We are snowshoeing this Saturday, Jan. 21st at "The Chief" mountain, which is on the way to Mt.Evans. For more info. check out this link. Meet at 8:00 am at the gym and we will carpool from there. If you need info on what to bring etc., email me and I will help you out. Total time of trip: 6 hours including travel to and from trailhead. Please rsvp!  Spaces are limited to 6 people.

     This week I have been talking about "Temple Maintenance", which are 2 words my yoga teacher talked to me about and both struck a chord in my soul. Yes, I believe my body "should" be considered a temple and I understand all too well that I was given a body that is required to move ALOT in order not to lose my mind. So, I need to do what is necessary for me to treat my body like a temple ..... what does that inspire in you?

We maintain our houses on a regular basis so we can live comfortable in them for years, we maintain our lawns so they are green and lush, we maintain our cars so we can trust them to take us where we need to go.......and we pay loads of money to do so.

WHY DO WE NOT MAINTAIN OUR MINDS, BODIES AND SPIRITS so they can do the same thing???? Unlike our material posessions, we can't move to another house because we trashed the one we are living in, we can't opt for rocks instead of skin, and we can't afford a new car because we were too busy to change the oil in the one we have.

WE MATTER THAT MUCH!! I keep harping on the fact that, darn it, if I am going to live to be 85 years old (and I plan on it!), I want to be as self-sufficient as possible. I don't want to have to rely on someone else to take care of me because I did not take care of myself when I had the chance.

You have the chance NOW !!!!! Dont wait for some day or next week or next month.

Daylight's a burnin.....

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