Wednesday, August 29, 2012

     We all do it -    even our best made plans to eat healthy fail sometimes and we "cheat". Then we tear ourselves apart because of our choice (yes, it is A CHOICE).  Here are 3 things that you can do to recover quickly from it.

Have A Protein And Vegetable Day
     The very first thing that you should do if you encounter a setback is to have a high protein and vegetable day the next day. This will help to make up for the high influx of carbs that likely came in, helping you sustain a proper calorie balance between the two days.

Resist The Urge To Do Cardio Overload

     Many people will go this route and perform hours and hours of cardio training. This is only going to seriously stress the body out and will cause additional cortisol to flood your system.  Cortisol has the tendency to cause the body to store excess body fat, therefore having this present with the higher calorie intake you took in the day before isn’t going to be an ideal situation.

Focus On Moving Forward

     Put the set-back behind you. This is where many people go wrong – they feel like since they made one error, they’ve really blown it and are now on route to gaining back all the weight that they had lost once again. Instead, focus on what you’re going to do in the future to help prevent that same set-back from occurring. Was it a situation that set you off into an overeating frenzy?  Was it stress? Perhaps you need to work on your coping methods better?  Whatever the case, pinpoint why you suffered from the cheat set-back in the first place and then deal with it in a productive manner. This way, you can reduce your chances of cheating again.

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