Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Our fellow boot camper, Jennifer Forker, was on Colorado Public Radio the other day, telling a story about her run with another woman on New Year's Day. You must listen as the story has relevance to all of our lives. I want to be Connie (and Jennifer)! That is why I offer boot camp to women of all ages and fitness abilities, and that is why I do boot camp myself!
"Here's What Happened - Catch Connie!

YAY Spring!!! That means we get to be outdoors ALOT!!!! And that means running !!!! (Well, for some of us that is really exciting..). Anyway, tomorrow's workout involves running. Around the neighborhood to the north. And some other things that occur at randomly spaced orange cones. If you CAN'T run there wll be a workout for you at the gym (CAN'T being the operative word here.)

Now that it is Spring.....remember those INSPIRATIONS you created after the new year?  Pull them out, refresh your memory, brush the dust off your shoulders and let's get going!!!!! The summer is upon us, and that means there are lots of hikes,bikes, races and fun to be had outside. And that is what we are training for, to be better, faster and stronger in our lives outside of the gym.  Email me your Inspirations so I can help empower you to achieve them!!!!

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