Fitness In Action
Geez, a gal goes on vacation and all the athletes in the gym are kickin' butt and taking names!!!!!
Jeri Beth- ran her 1st 4k in 35 mins, Suzanne: ran 30:44 without stopping, Caren: ran the Farmers 5000 5k 4 mins faster than her previous time, Bridgette: rode an 8 mile loop in 36:00 mins which is 14 mins faster than her previous time and has signed up for her half marathon in December, Janet: has lost 14# since June, Betsy: was required to enroll in a "CopFit competition" for the police force. There was 29 total competitors. Nine were women.
She placed 9th overall and was FIRST out of all the women!
Paula: will run her 1st marathon October 9th (the Chicago marathon no less. Jenn and Lynne will run their 1st marathon October 9th as well (the Denver Rock n Roll). Laura did 10 burpees in 5:50, Vicki in 14:54 (she is 63) and Mary Jo in 14:47 (her first day in boot camp)
What the heck??!!!!!!!
Kari goblet squat
Kari "grinder" abs 5:30 pm class getting ready to run with sandbags, carry heavy dumbbells, walk with a barbell overhead and throw a 15# ball as far as possible
Rock Star Vicki after 100 burpees
Caren ring dips
Janet and her weight loss and her barbell
Bridgette and ring dipsLaura and her kb half getup
8:00 am class with their barbells and their smiles. LOVE THEM!!