The day Diane started boot camp, she cut caffeine, sugar, dairy, alcohol, chocolate, white and processed food from her diet. She also ate only low glycemic foods. Now, in just 2 months, she has lost 12 pounds, 7% percent bodyfat, 1.5" from her arms, 1.5 " from her waist, 1" from her hips and 1" from her quads. Her metabolic age has gone from 40 to 41!
You can see those same kind of results! The "Falling Off Fast" Challenge begins September 1st. It will last only 4 weeks. The real challenge is to be able to eat that "clean" for 4 weeks. Stay tuned for details. You will have alot of support during the challenge in order for you to stay on track. COME ON !!! Its only 4 weeks!!
This week I have included a couple of the Olympic lifts to our workouts (overhead squat and deadlift). What did you think? I want to start including (and therefore practicing) more of them. This includes the clean, clean and jerk, snatch, push press, sumo deadlift high pull, and thruster.
You have already done all these movements with either dumbbells or kettlebells. I want you to be able to up your game, expand your horizons and have even more variety in your workouts. If you have absolutely no interest in using a barbell, you can stick with dumbbells or kettlebells, but we will still practice. Only by practice do we move better and therefore be able to lift heavier (which is part of the reason we get stronger). NO you will not bulk up and look like a body builder freak person.
Got callouses? These darn things grow fast on the inside of our hands as we do pullups, toes to bar, kettlebell swings....if you do not keep them under control they will tear, and bleed, and sting. I found this great callous remover at Walgreens. It's called the "Tweezerman" and is made by Solingen. Check it out. It is saving my hands.
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